“Where’d you go? You’re here now as a Ghost…”




I was quite ridiculously excited when I logged into Instagram the other night and I saw a post from actress Shoshana Bush announcing that her band (with NY DJ Frankie Inglese) SISTERMOON were on FaceBook and Twitter.  I excitedly went onto each app and liked and followed the respective pages. I initially started following Bush on Twitter and Instagram because of her amazing sense of style and when I heard she was in a band, I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to offer.  Yes, I may have been judging her music because of how I felt about her style (who HASN’T done that!?) and at this point I hadn’t heard anything (but OH MY GOD! Her voice!) Anyway, my judgment paid off.

Eventually, a few videos popped up on Instagram but nothing to really satiate my appetite. And then Bush linked to the band’s Soundcloud page and it was definitely a good pre-judgement.  This is DEFINITELY my kind of music!

I read a description of them somewhere as being ‘a female Black Keys‘ and I can totally hear that.  For some reason I also think Fleetwood Mac but that could just be me (and the Stevie Nicks like voice).

My favourite tracks off of Soundcloud are The Medicine” and “Ballad”, but I absolutely adore the others as well.

They are officially my get your ass out of bed; you’ll be late soundtrack for the mornings.  

(NOTE: SISTERMOON link will direct you to their SoundCloud page.)

(Also, the title is a lyric from “Ballad”)
